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11 posts    Fontes identificadas

Posts por Cat.B

08/11/2021 às 16:45  [resposta]  font submission

Ok if you say are saying ok.Anyway i am bored of all this i am sorry to say this but it is the case and thanks to have take your time to reply to my questions......

08/11/2021 às 15:59  [resposta]  font submission

Hello again.

Why you are you always talking pf Mans please?It is not him the problem.I am not saying that he is not a good fonter and for me his may be the best or may be not?It is not easy to make font i think you already know that.I am just saying that everybody deserve the same chance becasuse everybody make that Dafont works every fonter generate traffic on dafont.It is like a football team even if there is better player than others but all the team must work together to win because only one player can play a match.We are Dafont us fonters everyone of us.You know it is not just a hobby for some fonters because it is just there work there way to have money to eat do you understand this? So why anybody can be better than me or Mans or any other great fonters everybody must have the chance to grow.I am not ok of this way of thinking not ok at all.You know it just disgusting.I believe in what i do and what i see and i know that there are great people working on Dafont not only one person.When you take a look many other people is asking why my font is not online?delete my account etc .Don't you think there is a problem somewhere?I don't kow if you understand but i am not angry but sad of what is going on.That's all i have to say and it does not give me the desire to continue because is nit fair at all.Thanks

08/11/2021 às 04:49  [resposta]  font submission

Hello Meta.How are you.It is is just so sad to hear this from you ''[possibly because Mans is the author of 50 millioms downloads?
In this this case our fonts dont mean anything to Dafont see that Mans is so important?SO i think that we dont need to work anymore so hard to put our font there that's it?because we will be always after him this is the master and who cares what we do or think please can you tell me?Thanks

04/11/2021 às 05:42  [resposta]  font submission

Thanks for your return.I think it is just a joke to say that it takes 6 month to upload a font let me tell you why because the font ''White Dream'' was modified on the 31 st of October 2021 it is in the zip file so now the font was put online the next day on the 1st of November if you can explain this to me i will understand and wait for my turn .Thanks again for your return

03/10/2017 às 18:54  [resposta]  Font not accepted? why?

Hello Fred,

i think the problem is not only this i really like my work and Dafont and also the one who hold it but us fonters do not take really summer holidays because we are always working to move in life and it is just frustrating to see how long time you take to make new updates and you know life will never stop even if you go on holidays because working is working so please consider us fonters because without us you will not be there.

We need each others.

17/07/2017 às 09:11  [resposta]  Help Font

Fonte identificada: Camélia

30/05/2017 às 19:37  [resposta]  Orgulloso Naval

Fonte identificada: Margueritas

Editado em 30/05/2017 às 19:44 por fonatica

05/05/2017 às 19:17  [resposta]  Finding fonts "Queens"

Hello it is me the author,

can you tell me if you buy a license please?


26/03/2017 às 10:00  [resposta]  Copyright font


can you send me an image of your font may be i can help?


08/03/2017 às 21:53  [resposta]  How to delete font in dafont?

Hello dear,

why this reaction?

That's not great.

Why you put your font on Dafont then?

All my art fonts are on Dafont and am please that i do.

You must not judge things or someone like this without living time to make its time.

Hope you understand anything in life is easy if you want to achieve something you have to be

patient,courageous and faithful to reach your goal.


17/01/2017 às 06:23  [resposta]  Help Font Logo Nutrition

Rocking Season Font my art font but why please?

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