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3 posts

Posts by Tuppus

Jul 18, 2021 at 13:19  [initial post]  Private message spam?

A heads up for the people of DaFont: I got a private message from 'Font Bundles' asking me to join.
Here's a picture:

I'm not sure if this is done in cooperation with DaFont, but if it isn't: it looks like they're trying to steal your ad money.

Oct 25, 2018 at 06:02  [initial post]  How do I delete my font from this site?

I have a number of fonts that I made available on DaFont, but I'd like to remove a couple of the older, crappy ones. Is there a hidden button I'm missing? Surely there must be a way to remove them, when you're the author?

Oct 25, 2018 at 05:54  [reply]  Irish Babe font


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