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1 post

Posts by Fabian De Smet

Apr 16, 2024 at 13:09  [initial post]  Major changes for the Butler typefaces

Hello Dafont team, I hope you're doing well

Sorry to bother you, I know you are already very busy with all the fonts submissions and the management.
But could you please remove both the Butler and the Butler Stencil typefaces from Dafont for me?

I had sent two emails (one to the webmaster in August 2023, and one to Rodolphe in January 2024) to do so, but I never got any answer from either.
The font files are regularly updated on my end based on users requests, and I also changed the license as I noticed many disrespectful uses/sharing on some websites.

If there was a way for you to swap the download button to a link towards my website which keeps everything up to date, I wouldn't mind leaving Butler listed on Dafont, this way it would still respect the new license.
But I don't think that's possible for you as you review and host everything yourselves to check for quality and authenticity (which is totally understandable of course).

Thank you!

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