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Posts by Somethingffs

Jul 17, 2021 at 20:02  [reply]  commercial permission

Yeah. I am so glad you asked this because on every open source font there's always like a thousand comments asking if it's free for commerical.

Jul 17, 2021 at 20:00  [reply]  How to rename a fonts name

metaphasebrothel said  
Dion.H, if you haven't installed a font yet, you can just right-click -> rename the file. If you want to rename fonts that have already been installed, that's trickier, but not impossible. NEVER rename a font in your installed fonts folder, it will be corrupted in the process. What you can do is open a Search Window, and browse for the directory C:\Windows*\Fonts, (*or whatever the name is for your operating system folder), and don't specify any file name or type, just the search location. The results should list all of your installed fonts. For the ones you want to rename, copy the files from the search results, and paste them into another folder. Rename the files, delete the copies that are currently installed, then cut/paste the renamed versions back into your installed fonts folder to reinstall them.

There are a few fonts you can't change in this manner. Tahoma, with Windows XP, is the standard display font, so it can't be uninstalled even momentarily. I don't know if you have a different display font for Windows 7, but if you do, you wouldn't be able to change it, either. You also won't be able to rename Microsoft Sans Serif, or the font currently selected in Notepad. As far as I know, you should be able to rename any others.

Now, if what you want to do is change the font name, not the file name, that can also be done, but I'm not going to tell you how.

Dion H, font designers don't want to let you do this to their fonts. What you want to do has been abused many times in the past, where someone takes an existing font, changes only its name and the copyright information, then tries to pass it off as an original work, or recreation. When fonts have multiple weights, (bold, italic, bold italic, light, black, etc.), and were properly made, the font will appear only once in the installed fonts list for the app you're using, and the non Regular weights are accessed through the formatting tools. So, the answer to the question 'is there a freeware app that does this kind of renaming in a batch?' is No, it's a complex process in which each font would have to be renamed separately, and other things would have to be done, as well. Other designers would have my head if I gave you instructions on how to do it. It would be like if a Magician told the public how card and disappearing coin tricks work. If you need to know how to do it, you'll already know how.

Jeez, i just wanted to seperate a font family so the full font collection could be seen in
Also, open siurce fonts.

Jun 23, 2021 at 13:39  [reply]  Disney Filmreel Bumper Fonts

I came here looking for the font too, but I guess it's Helvetica Neue Light and Light Extended.

Identified font: Neue Helvetica

Edited on Jun 24, 2021 at 01:48 by frd

May 05, 2021 at 13:02  [reply]  Pabst

.....which is basically just shareware Futura Script

Suggested font: Futura Script

Apr 21, 2021 at 21:58  [reply]  London Modern - font

That's iilegal, sir.

Apr 21, 2021 at 21:55  [reply]  Helvetica Bold Oblique

Sorry. That's a paid font and you will have to pay for it on the appropriate site.

Century Gothic. Doesn't look like it but feels like it.
(Gosh, had this problem for a long time)

Apr 16, 2021 at 15:04  [reply]  What font is this?

eli_florence said  
jerseygirl said  
Futura Extra Bold Condensed

the apostrophe is different

Likely a different digitization?

Mar 23, 2021 at 10:20  [reply]  How to make a font???


Mar 22, 2021 at 10:54  [reply]  This Font please

Futura Italic

Suggested font: Futura  (Already suggested here)

Edited on Mar 22, 2021 at 11:56 by fmontpetit

Mar 22, 2021 at 10:52  [reply]  Futura identification

The bottom text is likey Semibold.

All fonts are free-of-charge, but some may be a demo meant to get you to buy a font and others let you donate.

Mar 22, 2021 at 10:43  [reply]  MLNE769's Logo Font Answer #5

They are.

Mar 22, 2021 at 01:30  [reply]  free fonts for commercial use

Look for the word "100% Free" above the "Download" box

Mar 22, 2021 at 01:30  [reply]  A Helvetica substitute

Nimbus Sans L is ACTUALLY free, and Arial should be installed on both of the top 2 operating systems and it looks almost exactly like Helv with a few different glyphs. Not free though, it just comes without charge.

Mar 22, 2021 at 01:28  [reply]  A Helvetica substitute

hornet_ant said  
Thanks very much for your answers I also found Swansea on the fontface website is pretty good.

The best part is it's public domain.

Mar 22, 2021 at 01:27  [reply]  Advice: Copyrighting fonts

It's considered software, which is copyright-protected.
In the US, typefaces (a stylized set of characters) are not legally protected so people are legally allowed no matter what to just place a picture of your typeface for free, turn it into a font, and call it a day.

Mar 22, 2021 at 01:23  [reply]  Personal use font

Likely not.

Mar 22, 2021 at 01:21  [reply]  Creating an "adaptive" font

You mean ligatures?

Is there a Linotype font you want? Never seen someone ask for alternatives to literal type foundries. If you mean it, try Monotype and Paratype and see if you like it. BitStream although Defunct is good also.

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