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6 posts

Narnia Project

Jan 05, 2022 at 17:56

Note: This posted ended up being long and wordy, so the basic point is I'm looking for similar fonts to Wild Wood.

Hello! I've been using DaFont for several months but only just now discovered that there's a forum!

I'm working on a fairly large (several years) project of typesetting and formatting a version of the Narnia books for my girls. These are NOT and never will be posted online or distributed outside of my own family/friends.

I just finished the first book (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe). I utilized 3 different themes throughout the book to show the different settings: Frozen Narnia, England, and Springtime Narnia.

For Frozen Narnia, I used (blue) coloured and textured versions of 1) PlymouthRock 'Snow Dusted', 2) General Uncial 'Snowcapped', and 3) Gothic Winter. My idea was that I wanted the chapter titles and page elements (not the text itself) to maintain a similar style but show itself "changing"/morphing as the story changes.

So in Springtime Narnia, I used a similarly textured but orange coloured version of Anerin, Ancient, Gothenburg Franktur, and Westminster Gotisch. This has the effect of the core font itself being nearly identical but shifting from an ice covered blue to a glowing orange as the story changes.

For the England setting, I basically used the same as the Springtime Narnia and just coloured everything Black - a nod to The Wizard of Oz where the "real world" is black and white but the fantasy world becomes coloured.

I can't see how to post pics, but I'd be happy to post a couple to show you how the effect works.

So now I'm working on the second book (Prince Caspian) and have decided I want to follow the font evolving as the story changes.

The first setting is a wild forest, so I initially wanted to use a textured a coloured version of Limberjack or Black Forest. Unfortunately, neither of them worked out (Black Forest is missing number glyphs and Limberjack kept crashing every time I tried to apply the texture). I've settled down on Wild Wood with a brown/green colour scheme and textured. While it isn't quite as Medieval looking as I was hoping, it has the benefit of including numbers and NOT crashing on me every time I try to use it.

So now I'm looking forward at the other two themes and wondering if anyone can make suggestions? I had originally envisioned
1) A cold stone theme to represent the Telmarines. It needs to tie in with Wild Wood AND feature similar numbers (note: I don't mind using more than one font for a specific section)
2) A budding grape vine to represent Narnia renewed. I can't find any grape themed fonts I'm happy with so began shifting toward thinking of more of a knightly or sword based theme. Any suggestions here? Again, ideally it would look very similar to the Wild Wood font so it looks as though the woods are being tamed as the story progresses.

Thanks all for any help!

Jan 06, 2022 at 21:43

NarniaBooks said  
Narnia Project

I can't see how to post pics, but I'd be happy to post a couple to show you how the effect works.

To post images on this board, you need to use manual html tags.

1) Upload your image to an image hosting site. I use postimages(dot)org

2) If the image hosting site DOES NOT give you a formatted link for posting images in forums, do the following:

a) Select and copy the url of your image, then in the dafont forum window, type left square bracket, img, right square bracket, paste the url of your image, type left square bracket, forward slash, img, right square bracket. There should be no blank spaces in any part of that text.

I type this:

And this is posted in the forum:

Note: This image is based on a photocopy of an original drawing of Betty Boop by Grim Natwick, who created Betty Boop in 1930. It was a gift from Grim to Reg Hartt of Toronto, Canada. Grim was 90 years old when he drew it.Commercial use of this image is not authorized by Reg or by the copyright holder. Personal non-commercial use is OK.

Edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 21:56 by metaphasebrothel

Jan 07, 2022 at 14:04

Here we go! Here's the samples from the first book (to give an idea of what I'm trying to replicate)

And here's the rough version of the first style from the second book.

Edited 2 times. Last edit on Jan 07, 2022 at 14:39 by marty666

Jan 07, 2022 at 20:53


Jan 18, 2022 at 21:55

Ersinakca said  

I'm not sure what this means...

Jan 18, 2022 at 21:59

NarniaBooks said  
Ersinakca said  

I'm not sure what this means...

It means someone who joined the forum 5 minutes before was testing out the posting function

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