

2 posts

I am looking for a program that will organize my fonts in physical directories

Oct 26, 2021 at 23:31

I am looking for a program that will organize my fonts in physical directories.

I care most about the following options:

1) automatic generation of a directory for a font that does not have one (and giving it an appropriate name)

2) sorting the fonts so that each font family gets its own directory (and generate those directories if they do not exist)

3) Correct file names and file extensions if they are incorrect or incomplete

I realize that there may not be a program that has all these options, but maybe there are separate programs that do this

Edited on Oct 26, 2021 at 23:36 by ChrisMad

Oct 28, 2021 at 05:56

Font Organizing:

Try FontOrg it is a shareware program by Al Jones. I have not seen him around since Yahoogroups folded. The program does not have support as its website is down. I also am not sure if the program author is still alive. This is a pre-Windows 10 program but I guess it will still work as intended. It is good at what it does but might need some tweaking. The text files in the package controls how the program sorts your fonts. This fills your #1 option.

If you are interested in the program, I found a clean download at The download link is in the fourth message of that thread.

If you are going to try this program, I suggest that you test it first. Dump a thousand assorted fonts to a directory and sort it using FontOrg. If you like the result, then it's the time to sort your entire collection.

Read whatever documentation the program has before running it.

Font Renaming:

Get RedEar's Font Renamer. It is a very good font renaming program and I am using it. It also works on Windws 10. That program is an answer to your #3 option and it is free. Go to and then click on the Extra tab. Click on the RedEar's Font Renamer link on the menu and then scroll down to the bottom of the page for the download link. Read what's written on the page for info on the program.

I do not know of a program that does that.

Edited on Oct 28, 2021 at 06:07 by toto@k22

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